A c r o n y m


S t a r t   d a t e

01 September 2023

C o o r d i n a t e d   b y 

Universidad de Málaga

F u n d i n g


O b j e c t i v e

In the field of Science Education, since research on the construction and development of the teaching identity is generating more and more interest, as a consequence of the new paradigms of education and its direct impact on student learning, we propose the development of a strategy for the study of teaching identity linked to inquiry, which contributes to analysing aspects related to academic and research experiences, personal and professional, prior to the teaching of future professors and professors of secondary education.

Through a long-term longitudinal study developed at the University of Malaga, and in collaboration with some international and local institutions, we intend to form a complete and detailed view of pre-service (PSTs) and novice science teachers (NSTs). Thus, we will try to analyse the factors associated with their evolution from science students towards new teachers, providing tools that contribute to improving training programs and teaching quality in this regard.

 t e a c h e r   e d u c a t i o n 

 i d e n t i t y 

 s c i e n c e   e d u c a t i o n 

P a r t i c i p a n t s